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411 University St, Seattle



Remote Pulsers

When your application requires the transducer to be located at a distance from the receiver, or uses a transducer with a center frequency greater than 50 MHz, there are a number of significant performance advantages gained by minimizing the cable length between the pulser and the transducer.  In these applications, remote pulsers and remote pulser/preamps exhibit outstanding performance, and provide substantial improvement in system flexibility.  JSR Ultrasonics provides remote pulsers for all of our high frequency instrumentation.



Better Performance 
Remote pulsers improve ultrasonic system performance because by using a short cable between the pulser and the transducer, cable reflections are reduced, and signal attenuation is minimized.  There is also less opportunity for noise pickup and interference signals to be added to the ultrasonic signal when a short cable is employed.  The net result is a lower distortion, stronger, clearer signal, with less noise and interference.

Greater Flexibility 
Remote pulsers also improve the flexibility of a system because they are interchangeable, thereby allowing a single receiver to handle a number of vastly different tasks. Switching tasks is as simple as changing pulsers.  Using remote pulsers also allows you to optimize each application by selecting the pulser that best fits the transducer.  And because the pulser is located close to the transducer, the transducer can be located a long distance from the instrument without degrading system performance.  This is especially important in scanning systems and in systems with low signal levels.

Selecting the Correct Pulser 
Selecting the best remote pulser for your application is easy.  Check the remote pulsers for the instrument you have, and see which ones are rated for each transducer you plan on using.  In many cases there will be more than one choice.  Select the pulser whose performance characteristics (Falltime, Pulse Amplitude, Pulse Width, or Energy) best match your needs.

Custom Pulsers 
We invite you to bring your unique application needs to our attention.